When you think of the word Zen, what images spring to mind? Perhaps you might imagine a dry garden of raked sa […]
When you think of the word Zen, what images spring to mind? Perhaps you might imagine a dry garden of raked sa […]
It is not long now before the hanami (花見, cherry blossom viewing) season is upon us. One of the most famous lo […]
Imagine Kyoto and you are likely to think first of its many shrines, temples, and tranquil gardens. However, K […]
Kyoto is famous for the exceptional beauty of its autumn foliage. Certainly, viewing the bright tapestry of cr […]
Last time, we talked about one of the most popular tourist spots in all of Japan. Up next, we have a spot that […]
Kinkaku-ji, also known as Rokuon-ji (its official, but much less popular name) or as the Temple of the Golden […]
At first sight, Osaka just seems like a regular metropolis with not much to offer in terms of culture. If it w […]