Hard step but worth it, learn Python in Japanese

For Those Wanting to Work in Japan: Learn Tech in Japanese! Python Edition: Part 2

Python is quite popular in Japan, as it probably is overseas, as well. The Python Engineer Certification Exam I sponsor has been taken by over 10,000 students in its three years. Such high numbers were previously unheard of for a non-governmental IT exam. And, as the chart below shows, Python related job recruitment numbers increased 252% year on year.

LanguageMay 2019March 2018Volume compared to 2018 (%)Change in NumberChange in Rank

(From Indeed Japan tallies, May 2019)

Considering all this, it is hard to imagine any kind of disadvantage to studying Python. So, my recommendation for engineers from overseas is: Why not try studying Python in Japanese?

All of the engineers learning Python in Japan have done so in Japanese. In my previous article I introduced videos and online seminars that can help. This time, I’d like to show you some books in Japanese, and a way to check your study results for free.

There are a huge number of Python texts published in Japan, making it difficult to pick just a few, but I would highly recommend this one: スタートアップ Python (Suta-to appu Python/Start Up Python), written by University of Tokyo Professor Tsuji, who helped create questions for the Python Engineer Certification Exam.

Please check the link below for details, pricing, and purchasing methods.  

There is a Kindle version as well, so there’s no need to worry about international shipping when you want to read it abroad. This text offers easy-to-understand explanations for beginners, making it perfect for those who have no previous knowledge of Python at all. It has a great many Amazon positive Amazon reviews, and I highly recommend it as a first book in Japanese for Python beginners.

My next recommendation is the Python チュートリアル (Python Chu-toriaru/Python Tutorial) from O’Reilly Japan. As a tutorial, it does assume a certain base of knowledge in the reader. You should read and use this one to discover your weak points after you’ve read スタートアップPython mentioned above. Since this is an O’Reilly book, it is also available in English. For those with the means, I recommend getting the English along with the Japanese to compare as you read, and make it easier to understand.

Please check the link below for details, pricing, and purchasing.

Being able to understand Python チュートリアル is evidence you’ve achieved a good basic understanding. Once you’ve reached that understanding, I recommend trying a free mock test. The schools contracted to offer the Python Engineer Certification Exam, Prime Strategy, also offer a free mock test called PRIME STUDY. The questions are well written, and it is designed to deepen understanding as you proceed through the test. I believe it’s an excellent way to check the success of your study after you’ve read the above books in Japanese.

O’Reilly Japan’s Python Tutorial, and the mock PRIME STUDY Python 3 Certified Engineer Basic Exam both directly correlate to the full Python 3 Certified Engineer Basic Exam scope. Once you are able to understand Pythonチュートリアル, checking your understanding with PRIME STUDY’s mock Python 3 Certified Engineer Basic Exam is a natural progression. Then, once you come to Japan, I highly recommend taking the Python 3 Certified Engineer Basic Examination. Passing a Python exam in Japanese will be an excellent indication both of your Python technical skills, and your working level of Japanese language. Those interested in the Python 3 Certified Engineer Basic Exam should please check the link below.

Part 1

Tadashi Yoshimasa