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Aug 30, 2021hightech
The Toilet of the Future May be a Vital Part of Health Management

Checking out future toilets at the CES 2021 online event

The Consumer Electronics Show (CES), held every January, is the world’s largest technology trade fair. At this event new products are exhibited and innovative technologies are demonstrated, so it attracts attention from all over the world. Though it was held without any problems in 2020, in 2021, due to the influence of the new coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, it was held online.

Jul 27, 2021hightech
PHP Now Highest Demand Programming Language in Japan

Hello, Yoshimasa here.

The world is still in the middle of the COVID-19 pandemic, and Japan still has not gotten it under grips. The yearlong battle with the coronavirus has led to enormous changes in Japan’s way of doing business.

Jul 20, 2021hightech
All About the Python 3 Certified Data Analyst Examination

Hello, Yoshimasa here. In my last column, I offered an intro to the Python 3 Certified Engineer Basic Examination that I and my colleagues administer. I also discussed the Zen of Python, which serves as a basic style guide for coding in Python, and the pythonic philosophy.


Aug 23, 2021work
Interview with Srikar, AI engineer working in Japan

When we look at Srikar's story and how he ended up working and living in Japan, it goes back to the adventurous Straw Hat Boy aiming to become the Pirate King. In this interview, Srikar will share with us his journey of moving and living in Japan.

Aug 2, 2021work
Tips and Advice for Freelancers

Being a freelancer has its ups and downs. Personally, getting to work from home, with my own hours as long as I meet deadlines, being able to turn down work (you know, hypothetically, if I have that much work) if I need to, and — if we're being honest here — cutting down on the face-to-face parts of work are all very good for me, since I'm not really sure I could handle a 'normal' job.

Jun 29, 2021work
Henrique, a network engineer who stepped out of his comfort zone came to Japan

Interview with Henrique, a network engineer from Brazil, who wanted to step out of his comfort zone came to Japan. Now employed as a voice engineer by Human Resocia GIT.

May 17, 2021work
The Boss Survival Guide: The Do's and Don'ts of the Japanese Workplace

Working for someone comes with a whole mess or unspoken assumptions and rules (or business etiquette, if you’re trying to phrase it nicely), especially in a Japanese workplace, and the consequences for missing those rules aren’t generally something you want to deal with.


Jul 13, 2021life
An Introduction to Japanese Bento

The idea of bento (obento vs.bento is a matter of formality, 'obento' is more formal) is nothing unusual — boxed lunches exist just about anywhere. The main difference in Japan is how widespread it is, and how ingrained it is in the culture. Packing lunch happens everywhere, but it's an entire class of meal in Japan, partly because of the amount of time people spend away from home at work or school.


Mar 4, 2022study
How to acquire a "highly skilled professional" visa in Japan - Vol.2
In Vol.1, I told you the point...
Feb 25, 2022study
How to acquire a "highly skilled professional" visa in Japan - Vol.1
Where I’m from - Malaysia, whe...
Aug 16, 2021study
Kanji, Guesswork and You

Kanji, rather infamously, has a lot of characters to learn (or Hanzi, or Hanja, but I'm using Kanji for specifically the Japanese use of it). The sure-fire way is to learn them all, of course; the good news is that you're going to learn what a lot of compound words (jukugo) mean pretty much for free along with those characters. If you want to learn what a lot of kanji mean the proper way, though, there are better places than an online article.


Sep 27, 2021culture
Japan's Ancient Sports
As I write this, on the opposi...
Aug 20, 2021culture
"Seichi Junrei" Anime Tours: Go see the settings of your favorites!

Japan's animated television programs and movies have spread outside Japan to find fans all over the world, a fact that many Japanese.

Jul 15, 2021culture
Akihabara exploration series: My own recommended style of exploring Akihabara

Today’s Akihabara is a town of subcultures and electricity.

The district is filled with stores selling anime, manga, various associated merchandise and video games, and maids can be seen in the streets, but that’s not all. If it’s machine parts you’re looking for, you can find that in Akihabara as well.

The reason for this is that a few decades ago, Akihabara was a district filled with parts shops selling radios, wireless machinery components, vacuum tubes and more.

Jun 16, 2021culture
Finding a Pastime in Japan: Choosing a Japanese Martial Art

There are a number of reasons why you might want to take up a martial art in Japan. The regular physical practice can help you keep fit, build confidence, and let off steam. A martial art can also be a gateway into Japanese culture.


Jul 5, 2021travel
Tsuyu and Where to Spend It

If you ask just about anyone in Japan, you will hear that Japan has four very distinct seasons: spring, summer, autumn, and winter.

Feb 9, 2021travel
The Top Ten Traditional Japanese Gardens – Part 2

This is the second part of a two-part article on Japan’s most beautiful traditional gardens. In Part 1 we introduced gardens from Himeji, Hiroshima, Nara, Tokyo, and Kyoto. In Part 2 we return to Kyoto to visit two truly unique landscape gardens and then finish with the three most famous gardens in Japan.

Nov 30, 2020travel
Staying at a Temple on Mount Koya: The Shukubō Experience
Mount Koya is the location of ...
Oct 30, 2020travel
Japan’s Best Hiking Locations

Mountains cover around 70% of Japan and as hiking is a popular pastime in this country, its hiking trails are well-maintained, clearly sign-posted, and very easy to access. Even if you are based in one of Japan’s major metropolitan centers you are never more than a short train ride from a scenic mountain trek.