Hello, I’m Rina from Bogor, Indonesia.
I majored in Computer Science but since I was a kid I always have interest in Japan. Probably it started in high school, where we had Japanese language class for 1 year. I was good at it, and I wanted to learn more. Since then, I learn the language by myself as a hobby. After passed the JLPT N4 I was thinking to level up my Japanese language skill, hence, I joined a language school in Jakarta while working in an IT solution company as a System Developer. Back then my dream was only to travel to Japan, that’s it, and I did several times. I thought those experience are enough for me, turns out I’m wrong. One of my friend told me with my working experience and Japanese skill I could make my way here and since then I was determined to work in Japan.It just happened when I went to a Job Fair from Japanese Companies in Jakarta, I got interviewed and hired not long after I decided to quit my previous job in Jakarta.
I moved to Japan in April 2019. At first I had mixed feeling about start a living in foreign country. I was excited and worried at the same time, since I have to leave my family and friends and get into new environment, and I also have to adapt to the working culture here which known to be quite strict. Especially since I’m a Moslem from a country where Moslem is a majority, I was worried having difficulties doing prayer. As a Moslem, I have to pray 5 times a day and 2 of them are at working hours. But surprisingly people are very open to except my condition and being supportive about this. I just have to explain to the company what kind of space do I need to do prayer and what time do I have to do it.
So far, I’m enjoying my life in Tokyo, even though the working etiquette here is quite challenging where I have to be very punctual and have good business manners. The first thing I learn where I first join a project is to always follow the culture of Ho-ren-so, where we have to report, communicate and discuss whenever some issues or changes comes up even if it’s the smallest thing. At first it was a little bit hard to do, but once I keep this in mind, it becomes like a habit, and now I also think that it will be good for the work efficiency if Ho-ren-so also applied in Indonesia.
Even though I went to a class when I was in Jakarta, I felt like I didn’t get enough chance to practice my Japanese language skill. But after I came here, I got improved, I forced myself to talk in the language, read more kanji, and given the chance to work on various projects in different fields enables me to learn more vocabularies in specific field like sales and medicals.
My working hour normally starts at 9 am, before I start doing my task usually we will have a short morning briefing with the team. 30 minutes before end of working hour I have to send progress report to my superior. I usually don’t do much overtime but it depends on the situation of the project.
Back in Jakarta, I often use bike taxi to commute to my work place. But since I came to Japan, I’m getting used to go to places on foot, I even lost 5 kg after months living here. And one of the good things about living in Tokyo, we have everything here. From shopping malls to large city park, we can even go for a hike. On weekend, I love to go sightseeing n taking pictures.

At least once in a month I always try to go sightseeing or just go for a random long walk. I also love spending my weekend cooking with friends.
People said time flies so fast when you’re having a good time, and I think that exactly what’s happening to me now. I didn’t realize it’s over a year now since moved here. For now, I don’t really plan what to do next in the future. I just want to live my life to the fullest while I’m still in Japan.
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